Enhance Your Smile,

Boost Your Confidence.

 Transform Your Teeth discreetly with the full flexibility of Clear Aligners

Dreaming of a picture-perfect smile? 

Imagine a dental solution that unveils your stunning smile and confident self...

One that doesn't require uncomfortable wires or metal brackets.

And that can be easily incorporated into your daily routine: all with the help of a custom-made and removable orthodontic aligner called Angel Aligner.

There are numerous reasons why Angel Aligner has become a game-changer in the world of dental transformations.

And the expert who can guide you through this journey is Dr Billy and his team at Quest Dental, recognised for their exceptional experience and expertise.

Brace yourself for a remarkable journey that not only enhances your oral health

but also boosts your confidence, elevates your self-esteem, and empowers you

to radiate with self-assurance.

Here's what you can expect from your Angel Aligner quest with Dr. Billy:

Proven Results

By providing a treatment plan tailored to your unique dental needs, you'll witness results that will leave you with a smile that exceeds your expectations.

Comprehensive Support

From initial consultation to the final reveal of your beautiful smile, Dr Billy will be there every step of the way, offering comprehensive support and guidance.


At Quest Dental, we believe that everyone deserves a radiant smile. We’re dedicated to ensuring that this transformative solution is within reach for anyone in the community and is accessible to individuals from all walks of life.

Clear Aligners       VS       Metal Braces


Clear Aligners - Virtually invisible when worn, as they are made from transparent materials.

Metal Braces - Highly visible and easily noticeable when worn on the teeth.


Clear Aligners - Designed to be smooth and comfortable and do not have sharp wires or brackets that can cause irritation or discomfort in the mouth.

Metal Braces - May cause discomfort, irritation and soreness inside the mouth due to the presence of wires and brackets.


Clear Aligners - Maintaining oral hygiene is typically easier since it is removable. Hence, individuals can brush and floss their teeth more effectively.

Metal Braces - Maintaining good oral hygiene requires special techniques and tools, such as floss threaders and interdental brushes which are often needed to clean around the brackets and wires effectively.


Clear Aligners - The removable aligners allows individuals to take it out for eating, drinking, and oral hygiene routines. This provides greater flexibility and convenience in daily life.

Metal Braces - With metal braces, certain food items, such as sticky or hard foods, may need to be avoided to prevent damage to the brackets and wires.

Treatment Progress

Clear Aligners - Angel Aligner gradually shifts the teeth into their desired positions over time. Each set of aligners is custom-made to fit the individual's teeth at different stages of the treatment, guiding the teeth toward alignment.

Metal Braces - Regular visits to the dentist are necessary for adjustments, tightening, and repairs.

Treatment Workflow

Meet Your Dentist

Dr Billy on Angel Aligner

Dr. Billy Choong is a highly skilled and passionate dental professional, serving as the Principal Dentist and Chief Executive Officer at Quest Dental. With a focus on orthodontics (Dental Braces) and children dentistry, he is at the forefront of transforming lives through innovative dental solutions like Angel Aligner.

Graduating from the International Medical University (IMU), Dr. Billy is committed to empowering individuals with the latest advancements in orthodontic care. His unwavering dedication to personalised care ensures that each patient receives exceptional treatment tailored to their unique needs.

As an advocate for Angel Aligner, Dr. Billy embraces this revolutionary orthodontic solution as a transformative option for achieving straighter, more confident smiles. With Angel Aligner, patients can bid farewell to traditional braces and enjoy the discreet, comfortable, and effective teeth straightening process.

Beyond his role as a dentist, Dr. Billy finds joy in music and golf, nurturing his passion for self-expression and excellence. These creative outlets infuse his approach to dentistry, bringing a fresh perspective and innovative spirit to his practice.

Famous Icons Who Embrace Clear Aligners

Jay Chou

The Taiwanese singer, songwriter, and actor openly discussed his experience with clear aligners to improve his smile. He shared before-and-after photos, highlighting the positive transformation achieved through the treatment.

Photo Source: South China Morning Post

Oprah Winfrey

The esteemed media icon mentioned using clear aligners as part of her dental treatment to align her teeth. She emphasised the discrete nature of the aligners and how they fit seamlessly into her busy lifestyle.

Photo Source: Google Image


The popular Malaysian actress and entrepreneur has openly discussed her experience with removable, clear aligners. She has shared photos and videos on social media, highlighting the positive impact the aligners had on her smile.

Photo Source: Choo Choy May

Serena Williams

The tennis champion shared her experience of using clear aligners to correct her teeth alignment. She praised the convenience and effectiveness of the aligners during her busy training and competition schedule.

Photo Source: Google Image

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Impact & Transformation You Will Experience

With Angel Aligner, you embark on a journey that goes beyond just straightening your teeth.

You’ll experience a transformation that will leave a lasting impact on your smile, confidence, and overall well-being.

Enhanced Aesthetics

Invisible aligners offer a discreet dental solution, allowing you to straighten your teeth without drawing unnecessary attention. Experience the joy of smiling freely, knowing that your aligners seamlessly blend into your natural appearance.

Boosted Confidence

As your teeth gradually align, you'll witness a remarkable boost in your confidence levels. No longer will you feel self-conscious about your smile. Embrace social situations, professional interactions, and special moments with newfound self-assurance.

Improved Oral Health

Straightening your teeth with invisible aligners not only enhances aesthetics but also improves your oral health. Aligned teeth are easier to clean, reducing the risk of plaque buildup, gum problems, and potential dental issues in the future.

Personalised Treatment

Every smile is unique, and your journey with Angel Aligner is tailored to your specific needs. With the guidance of a skilled dentist like Dr. Billy, your treatment plan is customised to address your orthodontic concerns, ensuring the most effective and efficient results.

Gradual Progress, Lasting Results

Step by step, your teeth will gently shift into their ideal positions as you progress through each set of aligners. Witness the transformative power of consistent and gradual alignment, leading to a beautiful, harmonious smile that lasts a lifetime.

A Lifetime of Smiles

Beyond the treatment period, the impact of Angel Aligner will resonate with you for years to come. Enjoy the benefits of a well-aligned smile, improved oral health, and the confidence to embrace every opportunity that comes your way.

Take the first step toward your transformative journey with Angel Aligner. Consult with Dr. Billy, our principal dentist, who will guide you through the process and help you achieve the smile of your dreams.

How Easy It Is to Work with Us

Visit our website and submit an inquiry with your contact details.

Our front desk team will promptly reach out to you, ensuring a convenient appointment is scheduled.

Be prepared to join us for your appointment, arriving comfortably and allowing ample time for a relaxed experience.

Angel Aligner Pricing Plan

Flexible Pricing

From as low as

MYR 19

per day

Redeem promo worth RM 990

Convenient instalment plan

No hidden fees

Comprehensive care and support

Over 100+ Positive  Reviews

Exclusive Online Promo Worth RM 990!

Mark your calendars for the 2nd Sunday of every month and get ready to claim our Online Only Special Promo.

With this exclusive offer, the first 7 individuals every month to register their interest will be entitled to a fantastic package that includes:

Consultation + Examination | RM 100

Teeth 3D Scan | RM 130

Full Mouth X-Ray | RM 130

Facial Profile X-Ray | RM 130

Aligner 3D Treatment Planning & Simulation | RM 500

Angel Aligner Exclusive Signup form

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How do clear aligners straighten the teeth?

The aligners gently move the patient's teeth in small increments from their original state to a more optimal, aligned and treated state.

How long is my treatment and how many sets of aligners do I need?

Several sets of aligners would be used in treatment, depending on the difficulty of the case and the treatment plan approved by the doctor.

Is it painful?

Sensitivity and tenderness to teeth may occur during treatment, especially when moving forward from one aligner to another.

Does it affect my speech?

Aligner wear may temporarily affect speech, resulting in a slight lisp. Patients typically adapt quickly to the aligners within a week or two. Patients may experience an increase in salivation or dryness of the mouth.

Do I need to wear retainers after the treatment?

Teeth may shift positions if proper and consistent wearing of retainers is not followed. Wearing your retainers nightly is highly advised to maintain corrected alignment.


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